Some Direction

As practically everyone around the globe is doing on this day, January 1st, I am reflecting, deliberating, judging, weighing, and planning.
2016 was an interesting and somewhat horrible year in America, but I'd rather not dwell on the negative. For me, 2016 was a year filled with monumental changes. I returned to Switzerland in January to complete my gap year, and while there I traveled to Florence, Tuscany, St. Petersburg, Paris, Rome, Sorrento, Capri, the Amalfi Coast, Athens, Crete, Barcelona, (Paris again) and Normandy. I grew more fond of my beautiful home in Neuchâtel and the worldly lifestyle I was living in Paris, which made it extremely difficult to say goodbye in the spring. I graduated with an A average and won the French award and the History award in my graduating class.

I left my wonderful Canadian friends behind (laidz, if you're reading this, you are my rock) and flew back to my other home in the Bay Area.

Summer, while slow and uneventful, allowed me to mentally prepare for what was to come next: college. I visited Toronto in July with my dad and was able to tour campus and my residence. U of T was beautiful and I was already excited to return in September.

I flew to Toronto a week prior to my college's orientation in order to experience "Step Up," an orientation for international students. I was blown away at the diversity of students at my school and immediately made unique and interesting friends.
My mom came and visited me during my first weekend and helped me move into my dorm room! I met all of my roommates and had a blast during Frosh week (aka orientation).
Since then I've enjoyed taking Economics, Sociology, History, and a small program called Woodsworth One. I've joined the Alpha Phi Sorority and am now the director of philanthropy. I also joined a club called WiNC or Woodsworth Inclusive, which helps include LGBTQ+ students on campus and works to reduce the marginalization of these individuals and encourage self-expression. I have some amazing friends, many of which are not involved in greek life.
On October 8th I turned 19 (weirdest age yet). I have grown much closer to my good friends Nicolas and Alex, as well as my suite mate Alyssa and my big, Allegra. I've experimented with different lifestyles like veganism, pescatarianism, and vegetarianism. I have learned the importance of sleep, exercise, and treating my body with care. I have learned that sometimes hard work doesn't pay off, and that I should focus on studying what I enjoy rather than what I think will lead me down a specific path...
Of course I could go on and on and on about all of the things I have learned this year, but now I want to focus on my goals for the future.

First of all, in 2017 I want to get into the best shape possible.
Ways I want to achieve this:
1. Gym/exercise 5-6 days a week (include days to stretch and relax)
2. Eat clean (mostly veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, etc.)
3. Keep a positive attitude
4. Drink water throughout the day
5. Sleep

Second of all, I want to live in the present.
I am tired of dwelling on things or planning for things too much. It causes unnecessary anxiety that I definitely do not need. Instead, I want to really savor and enjoy the moments I am living in. I am ready to rediscover true and pure happiness. I am done feeling defeated and intimidated.

What are your "New Years Resolutions"? (I put that in quotes because although the idea of resolutions is arbitrary and taboo, I love setting goals for myself that I actually plan to follow through on. You should do the same!)

My new group of sisters in Alpha Phi!

With Fred and Nic for my 19th birthday. This image was taken in my residence building (gorgeous view, I think!)

At the Neuchatel Junior College 60th Gala with Brianna and Alex

Found out Allegra was my big! She's the sweetest...

Got to be a panelist for NJC and answer questions about my experience.

Visiting Nicolas's cottage in Vermont over Thanksgiving break! It was cold but beautiful.
To 2016: Thank you.
2017—come at me!


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